Deadlock Solo vs Duo Performance (1/27/25 patch)

Net worth of heroes @ 9 minutes, compared across solo and duo lanes.

Hero Solo % Duo %

Methodology & Caveats

Around 3 million matchups were processed to generate this data.

This table compares net worth at 9 minutes for solo vs duo lanes, aggregated across ranks, which are bucketed into low (Initiate - Alchemist), medium (Arcanist - Archon), and High (Oracle - Eternus). This compares a hero only with itself, not other heroes.

It's important to note that none of this data proves one hero is "better" at solo or duo lane. There are a number of confounding variables. For new heroes, players will get better over time as they learn their ins and outs. For all heroes, individual builds can have a drastic impact on the outcome of the game (e.g. spirit vs gun build). Some heroes simply have a much higher skill ceiling than others.

And because no matter how many times I leave a caveat on a project like this, if someone decides they still want to be annoying about this in the comments, feel free to paste the following:

That's such a good point, and you are the first to have thought of it! Someone should tell the author. Maybe he can put a notice at the bottom of the page. I wonder if anyone will read it...

Special thanks to for providing data for this analysis.